. Story Submissions
. How to Submit a Story . Information
to Include .
. Format of Submissions
. Editorial Policies .
Story Submissions
Anyone identifing as a woman may submit their stories to this site.
All authors submitting stories and the stories themselves will be covered
by this sites general disclaimer.
From amateurs to professionals, practiced to first time efforts, all are
welcome. All stories are welcome as long as they are relatively short,
meaning that they will easily load as one html page, and aren't fan fiction.
There are several sites out there exclusively devoted to fan fiction, if
you need direction to one, I probably have at least one link you can use.
I will however accept some uber fan fiction. Meaning that if your
story is loosely based on characters similar to a TV show, but set in a
different time, place and is basically an original piece, I will accept
How to Submit a Story
Please send all submissions to dragone69@yahoo.com
. Please include the words "Submission & Story Time" somewhere
in the title if possible. This will help me identify submission emails
quicker. Also please include the information requested below.
Information to Include
Please include the following information along with your submission:
Author's Name: You may use either your real name or a handle,
but you must tell me exactly how you wish your name to appear with
your story.
Story Title: If it's untitled let me know.
Email Address: Please include the email address you wish to
be posted with your story. This is so you may receive comments from
your readers. If you are concerned with anonymity try using any of
the free email services offered on the web such as hotmail
or excite.
Copyright Date: If no copyright date is given, the current
year will be used as a default.
Genre Category: Please include which Genre category you'd
like your story placed. If it seems I've forgotten a category please
let me know and I shall correct the oversight.
Author Information: This is optional, however readers do appreciate
knowing a bit about you. You may be as personal or as vague as you
Format of Submissions
Please send submissions in Word (.doc) or text (.txt) format.
If I have trouble receiving your submission I'll contact you and ask you
to send it in a different format. Also, keep the formatting within
your document to a minimum. Do not use allot of bold, italics, indenting
etc. If you wish specific formatting please contact me.
Editorial Policies
I will make corrections to gross and obvious errors of spelling, punctuation,
and grammar that I notice. However, I'm not a professional
editor by any means. I would suggest that you or someone else review
your submission for correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar. I
will not reject a submission for such errors, but I will ask that you revise
your submission and then resend it.
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