Odd Glow
©1998 by Epsilon
She said I glowed
What did she mean by that I wondered...?
I had to see if this illumination of
myself was true
But how?
This is what I asked myself
So...I went to look in the bathroom
As I looked upon myself I noticed something...
I need a hair cut..and I don't like
this shirt very much...
I did not, however, notice any light
or overpowering brilliance shinning from my face
No, in fact, my self-esteem just dropped
from staring at my ugly face for too long
What to do what to do...?
AH HA!!!!!
I found myself running full tilt outta
that bathroom to turn the light switch off
Surely being in the dark will help me
see this gleam of pure angelic perfection
I stood in front of the mirror again
in the dark
Nothing...Nope...I'm still me...and
I ain't glowing
Wait what was that???
Now I'm in the darkened bathroom alone
in my big house and hear a noise
Whatta ya think I did?
Of course being my wee scared self...I
First I stubbed my toe on the base of
the toilet
Then I went butt first smashing down
into the tub
Just as I regain my sense of 'oh yes
this is my ass and yes it's been banged up pretty bad'
I hear the noise again
It's getting closer and I scramble noisily
out of the tub
Still in this this darkness I grabbed
the closest thing to me
A towel
I hold that thing over my head ready
to whip the hell outta whoever is climbing the stairs
The light flips on and I'm staring at
my startled sisters pretty little face
Startled quickly turns into a giggling
mass of older sister on the floor
"What the hell are you doing???"
Is all she manages to get out before
a wave of roaring laughter hits her again
Ha ha ha I say
In few words I explain what happened
when I heard the noise
I fail, of course, to mention the fact
WHY I was in the bathroom with the light off...
After having a delightful evening with
my older sister
(I had forgotten completely that she
was joining me that night)
I bid her goodnight and grumbled my
way past the bathroom I had now renamed:
"The Room I Now Have No Feelings For"
Me bitter?...Yes, I guess who could
say that
I walked slowly back in a took one last
look at the mirror
Looking at myself again I thought back
to the day's events...
After all that happened that day
And after all I went through just to
the strange glow that you, my sweet,
say I radiate...
I just have one question for you...
What glow?